18:00 h.-Black holes: unknow horizons (english)

Detalles de Evento

Este evento terminó el 26 septiembre 2023


All target audiences.

Duration: 30 min. Tráiler.

“Black holes are probably the most extraordinary objects in the cosmos… Where does the need for black holes come from? What secrets do they keep inside?”

“Talking about black holes forces us to think about space, time and gravity. These are unintuitive concepts that are difficult to explain, but whose nature and behavior have played, and are destined to play, a fundamental role in the future of the cosmos. But… where does the need for black holes come from? What secrets do they keep inside?


These hypothetical objects were so strange that only a few decades ago astronomers began to seriously consider their existence. Black holes are objects where the curvature of spacetime is extreme. They are holes in the sense that things that «fall» into them can’t get out. They are black, because light cannot escape them either. As to the physical processes that happen inside, we have no information… yet.


Black holes are probably the most extraordinary objects in the cosmos: they can be born in violent explosions of very massive stars… they warp spacetime around them… they devour stars… and generate gravitational waves, detectable on Earth. We believe that black holes of different sizes exist, from tiny and rapidly evaporating ones to monsters of millions of solar masses, at the center of galaxies.


Black holes continue to be at the edge of our knowledge. Unraveling their mysteries is one of the most exciting challenges in human history. A challenge that will require all our capabilities as a species, and that will help us on our mission to understand the past, present and future of this breathtaking place we call the cosmos”


Produced by:  Fundación ‘La Caixa’ y Planetario de Madrid. Co-produced by: Daniela Carrascal Grisales.

Movie script and directed by: César González Arranz, Rodrigo González Peinado y Telmo Fernández Castro.
Fulldome Art: Juan Felipe Orozco Cano (Double Dome Films).
Original music: Javier Coble.